Maze Gen Mac OS

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html to latex and vice-versa

posted Jun 22, 2009, 5:42 AM by G. Maze ‎(admin)‎ [ updated Jun 6, 2012, 6:41 AM by Guillaume Maze]
I used to use latex2html to move my notes and papers written in LaTeX to my webpage (latex2html is available through porticus).
But I also like from time to time to grab some peace of the web to embed it in my LaTeX notes. To do it, I use html2latex.

My favorites commands:
LaTeX -> HTML:
latex2html -split 0 -nonavigation -noinfo -image_type gif

HTML -> LaTeX:
Rqs about html2latex:
My Perl package was not complete, I had to install:
  1. HTML::Tree - It requires HTML::Parser.
  2. XML::Simple - It requires XML::Parser.
to do so, I type: 'perl -MCPAN -e shell'
then: install HTML::Tree
and: install XML::Simple
I had to install a bunch of stuff on the fly, all the dependencies that were missing.
Last but not least, I don't know why but this was not enough, I had the following error message when I first tried to run html2latex:
Can't locate HTML/ in @INC (@INC contains: /Library/Perl/Updates/5.8.8 /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.8 /Network/Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.8 /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at HTML/ line 32.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at HTML/ line 32.
Compilation failed in require at ./html2latex line 81.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./html2latex line 81.
So to fix it, I modify the /Library/Perl/5.8.8/AppendToPath file, adding the line:
and then I got it ok.

A maze generator written in javascript, and is able to be printed or played through a web browser. The maze is fully customizable with many options. Mazesmith 0.7.0 released Added ability to shift the design in the style toolkit.

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I've been working on a videogame the past couple of years, off and on. It's called...

...for now. I have a better name picked out for it, but I'm going to becallling it Project: Doodle(while it's in alpha) so that the finishedversion will be distinct from the alpha versions, of which it may end up lookingnothing like!

The theme of Doodle is centered around hand-drawn, side-scrolling platformertype mazes. You can draw your own levels using freehand and basic drawing tools,color in some fire or water, and drag in pre-made 'Doodads' like buttons, keysand doors to add some interaction to your level.

Read more for a screenshot, more information and alpha version download links(Linux, Windows and Mac OS).

Table of Contents


Maze gen mac os download

Past screenshots: v0.0.9


See also the YouTube playlist of progress videos.


Gameplay Description

The theme of the game is 'hand-drawn mazes.' Players can create their owncustom maps using a variety of themes: standard ruled notebook paper, yellowlegal pad, blueprints or a plain white background.

Levels are drawn using pencil, line and rectangle tools. Different coloredlines mean different things: black lines are for solid ground, red lines arefor fire that will hurt the player, and blue lines are for water. You can freelydecorate your level to look like anything you want (a castle, etc.) -- it'shand-drawn, go wild!

Maze Gen Mac Os 11

To add dynamic elements to your level, such as buttons that open doors orkeys and locks, you can drag pre-made 'Doodads' into your level and link themtogether. (The magenta lines in the screenshot are showing buttons connected todoors that will open/close them when touched.)

The above is about what's completed now, the following are the plans forfeatures before Beta release:

This game is going to be very modder-friendly, as a high priority even. Releaseversions of the game will come with all the tools I used to create the built-inDoodads and the game will fully support making custom Doodads easy and fun.

  • Users can create their own custom Doodads by drawing their graphics insidethe game (including multiple animation frames) and attach a JavaScript to themfor their gameplay logic.
  • Sharing levels will be very easy. Custom doodads and other custom content(wallpapers, etc.) will be able to embed inside the .level file so you canshare one file with friends to play your level. They don't need to download allthe same mods (custom doodads) as you to play it; your level contains everythingit needs!
  • Release versions will ship with the doodad.exe command-line program that I wroteto help me make the built-in doodads (provides lots of features to author andattach scripts to doodad files).


When I was a kid, we had for game consoles the NES and Sega Genesis, which werefilled with 2D side-scrolling platform games like Mario and Sonic. For fun, Iwould draw out maps on paper that were a similar style: side-view mazes.

I'd decorate the mazes with all sorts of little gizmos and gadgets based onvarious games I liked, and I'd draw lines that connected a button to the doorthat it opens, and I'd draw keys in different shapes that unlocked doors ofsimilar shapes, and then I'd 'play through it' in my head, imagining a playercharacter walking through the maze and solving the puzzles.

This game is basically the realization of these childhood mazes. I don't have anyof my original mazes on paper, but I have them in my head and I still rememberall my favorite doodads I commonly used on my maps.

Maze Gen Mac Os X

I've always wanted to make a game, and I've started a handful of small prototypesover the years but never completed any. None of my ideas for games were worth allthe effort to actually make one. But then I realized I don't really want to make'a game' so much as I wanted a 'game project' that I could just work on foreverand constantly improve and add features to.

Project: Doodle is my big long forever project. I have a minimum checklist offeatures before a '1.0' version and then I'll still keep adding more nonsense toit over time and release free updates.


The game is Free In Alpha. Expect slowness and bugs, let me know if it crashes.

Maze Gen Mac Os Catalina

Current version: v0.0.10-alpha (July 17, 2019)

  • Windows64-bit: (8.6 MB)
  • Mac OS64-bit: doodle-0.0.10-macOS-64bit.dmg (8.8 MB)
  • Linux64-bit:
    • Fedora/CentOS: project-doodle-0.0.10_alpha-1.x86_64.rpm (7.8 MB)
    • Debian/Ubuntu: project-doodle_0.0.10-alpha_amd64.deb (7.8 MB)
    • Other: doodle-0.0.10-linux-64bit.tar.gz (7.8 MB)

Releases are for 64-bit computers only thus far. Let me know if you need 32-bitsupport, otherwise I'll just get to it 'eventually.' Beta release versions willdefinitely include 32-bit support.

Quick FAQ

  • The game is being programmed in Go using SDL2 (custom game engine).
  • Initial target platforms are Linux, Windows and Mac OS (in that order).

Follow my blog's Doodle tag for future posts about this game.