UFO Swamp Odyssey Mac OS

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  2. Ufo Swamp Odyssey Mac Os Update

UFO Swamp Odyssey is a retro platform game in which you will have to jump from one platform to another to collect the gold coins. Find the valves to drain the water, open many areas to find many coins. Interact with the little green aliens, who will be there to help you. Good luck to everyone! UFO Online: Invasion is a turn-based tactical combat MMORPG set in the post-apocalyptic world In February 2024 a huge alien spaceship attacked Earth. Myriad capsules containing xenovirus landed and began spreading their contents across the world. Right after that alien dropships began the descent.

Swamp Gas Visits the United States of America
Developer(s)Inline Design
Publisher(s)Inline Design

Swamp Gas Visits the United States of America is a computer game developed by Inline Design in 1990 for the Macintosh and Windows_3.1x. A sequel - Swamp Gas Visits Europe - was released in 1992.[1]

Swamp Gas Visits Europe is the sequel to the game.[2][3][4]


Swamp Gas Visits the United States of America is an educational game designed to assist students with their knowledge of United States geography, for up to four players. The main character is an alien that, after departing from his mothership that hovers far above the map, flies his UFO around the U.S. The alien hovers above various states, and is quizzed about the name and capital of each state; entering the correct information allows the player into the Alien Arcade. The players select missions from a pop-up menu. Sometimes, due to a malfunction from the mothership, the alien will face a Close Encounter that must be dealt with by correctly answering a multiple-choice question regarding the alien's current location.[5]


The game was reviewed in 1992 in Dragon #178 by Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser in 'The Role of Computers' column. The reviewers gave the game 5 out of 5 stars.[5]


  1. ^http://macintoshgarden.org/games/swamp-gas-visits-europe
  2. ^Dennis Publishing (November 1994). PC Zone - Issue 20 (November 1994).
  3. ^https://apple2online.com/web_documents/A+%20Magazine%2093-03%20WS.pdf
  4. ^https://vintageapple.org/macuser/pdf/MacUser_9412_December_1994.pdf
  5. ^ abLesser, Hartley; Lesser, Patricia & Lesser, Kirk (February 1992). 'The Role of Computers'. Dragon (178): 57–64.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Swamp_Gas_Visits_the_United_States_of_America&oldid=990758474'
Stateside's conversation with UFO enthusiast Harry Willnus.

It began in March, 1966 , with a sighting over a farm in Dexter.

Lights were seen hovering and then zipping across the sky. Reports came in from all over the area. One Washtenaw County sheriff deputy was quoted as calling the objects, whatever they were, “the weirdest things I’ve ever seen.”

The official explanation — flares caused by the burning of gases bubbling up from the area’s swamps — was unsatisfactory to many of those involved. Then-congressman Gerald Ford called for a congressional investigation. It never happened.

It wasn’t long before that UFO mania had swept the nation. UFO reports were pouring in from all over the country. This was the era that sparked Hollywood’s love-affair with aliens, leading to blockbusters like E.T. the Extra Terrestrial and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Walter Cronkite anchored a 1966 CBS report titled, “UFO: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?” which featured the Dexter incident.

But after the UFO fever subsided, after the Hollywood productions made their millions, after NASA's moon program closed for good—in short, after America moved on — the question remained: what really happened in Dexter that March?

Harry Willnus was a teacher in the area at the time. He has been searching for an answer to that question for the last 51 years.

During the course of that half-century, Willnus has spoken with many of the most important humans involved in the incident.

Nothing he's heard or seen has convinced him that the official version of events is the correct one.

“I’ve been studying this,” Willnus said, “I’m convinced that planet Earth is being observed.”

Willnus described a particularly strange series of events involving Allen Hynek, the scientist brought in by the Air Force to investigate the incident.

Ufo Swamp Odyssey Mac Os X

One afternoon not long after the sightings, Hynek spent several hours looking for evidence in the Dexter swamp. He was accompanied by Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey, who led the local response to the sightings.

Afterwards, on the drive back from the swamp, Hynek told the sheriff he still did not have an explanation for the sightings. But later, back at the sheriff's office, Hynek received a phone call from Washington, D.C.

'Hynek stepped out of the office, took the call, came back in a few minutes later. Harvey described him as looking a bit shaken,' Willnus said. 'He had his head down and he was mumbling ‘Swamp gas, swamp gas, it was swamp gas.' I don’t think Hynek knew what swamp gas was.”


Listen to our full interview with Harry Willnus above, in which he recounts a UFO sighting of his own.

Ufo Swamp Odyssey Mac Os Update

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