Subterranean Comprehensive Area Mapper Mac OS

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  3. Subterranean Comprehensive Area Mapper Mac Os Catalina

Two component XSTAR model fit to the 800 ks Chandra HETG observation of NGC 3783. Model fit performed in xspec11 using the warmabs analytic model.

XSTAR model fit to the HST/COS combined emission and absorption line spectrum of Mrk 290. Top panel: data and model fit; lower panels: emission and absorption model components (Zhang et al. 2014).

XSTAR model fit to the Hitomi observation of the Perseus cluster.
What is XSTAR?
XSTAR is a computer program for calculating the physical conditions and emission spectra of photoionized gases.
Current Version
Current version is 2.39, also available as part of heasoft 6.21.
How Do I Get XSTAR?
Xstar is avaible in several different ways.
  • The XSTAR package is now integrated and distributed with the HEASARC's standard HEASOFT package, so if your facility has this package installed then you already have access to xstar.
  • A bug has been found in xstar version 2.53 which affects the spectrum output to xout_spect1.fits. This therefore also affects the atable created by xstar2xspec. A patch is available from the heasoft 'known issues' page. Or get the current develop version.
  • XSTAR is also available as a standalone package. The standalone XSTAR (or the full HEASOFT), is available in either source or binary versions and it can be downloaded from here .
  • The release version of xstar is now available on hera.To use it, you must install fv and set up your environment to use it (fv is part of the standard heasoft software distribution or it can be installed standalone), and type'fv -r xstar'. Input parameters are specified by prompting or else on the command line. Currently the output is buffered in large blocks, rather thanprinting each line of output as processing progresses. Thus it may appear thatnothing is happening for a while until the buffer fills and is sent to your screen. It's also possible to start up the xstar task in hera, and then retrieve the results later, without having to keep the command window open.One would need to specify all the parameters directly on the command line, and also add a '-nowait
  • A utility has been created for extracting atomic data and rates from the xstar database.This utility is a standalone fortran program, which calls many of the xstar routines, and returns the rate (forward and reverse) and raw atomic data for a single type of rate for a single ion. It can be foundhere
  • An analytic model for calculating warm absorber and emitter spectra within xspecis available. This has the advantage that it avoids the intrinsic approximations associated with use of tables for absorption with variable abundances treated as multiplicative parameters, and the intrinsic clumsiness of the use of tables. It also allows the use of arbitrary spectral resolution, not limited by the internal xstar spectral resolution.To use it, download the tarfile, unzip and untar in your user area, and follow the installation instructions containedin the README. This includes the analogous routine which simulates the absorption (and emission) by a gas in coronal equilibrium. Scattered emission can be modeled using the 'windabs' model.These routines are still in the testing phase, so please send reports of bugs and problems. The develop version of warmabs, is here. It must be used with population files constructed with the develop version of xstar.
  • A version of xstar which allows for parallel computation of a grid of modelshas been developed by Michael Noble of MIT. pvm_xstar fosters parallel execution of XSTAR over large, time-consuming sets ofparameters.
  • A php tool for making the xstinitable.par file needed by xstar2xspec is provided by D. Maitra of the University of Michiganhere. This is a GUI form which produces the file in ascii. No error checking is provided.
  • An analytic model for calculating interstellar absorption within xspecis available. This utilizes the same atomic data as xstar and warmabs but allows the column densities of the ions to be free parameters rather than being prescribed by ionization equilibrium. It also allows the use of arbitrary spectral resolution, not limited by the internal xstar spectral resolution.To use it, download the tarfile, unzip and untar in your user area, and follow the installation instructions containedin the README. A paper describing the tool in more detail is available here.
    Online Documentation
    XSTAR documentation is included as part of the standard sourcedistribution and is also viewable online or can be downloaded as a PostScript file or HTML.
    Related Files
    Sample xstar output from optically thin photoionized model, alpha=1 power law,line emissivities
    Sample xstar output from optically thin photoionized model, alpha=1 power law,line opacities
    Sample xstar output from optically thin photoionized model, alpha=1 power law,RRC emissivities
    Sample xstar output from optically thin photoionized model, alpha=1 power law,RRC opacities
    Sample XSPEC table models
    Line list.
    Line finding list.
    Level list.
    Subroutine xstar
    Postscript plots of atomic rates(42 Mbytes).
    An ascii version of the xstar database (28 Mbytes).
    The xstar database sorted according to process. (16 Mbytes).
    Sample output: Lexington H II region.
    Sample inputs.
    Atomic data.
    UADB, a comprehensive database for atomic data..
    Platforms Currently Supported
    XSTAR requires a standard Fortran 77 compiler. It has been tested on the following systems:
    • Mac OS X
    • Linux (both x86 & PPC)
    • Lexington Conference with information on the Lexington Benchmarksfor photoionization codes.
  • For questions and comments about XSTAR, contact Tim Kallman or use the Feedback form

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    The majority of The National Map effort is devoted to acquiring and integrating medium-scale (nominally 1:24,000 scale) geospatial data for the eight base layers from a variety of sources and providing access to the resulting seamless coverages of geospatial data. The National Map also serves as the source of base mapping information for derived cartographic products, including 1:24,000 scale US Topo maps and georeferenced digital files of scanned historic topographic maps. Data sets and products from The National Map are intended for use by government, industry, and academia—focusing on geographic information system (GIS) users—as well as the public, especially in support of recreation activities. Other types of georeferenced or mapping information can be added within The National Map Viewer or brought in with The National Map data into a GIS to create specific types of maps or map views and (or) to perform modeling or analyses.

    Use and Download our Data and MAPS!

    National Map GIS data download and other related applications for working with our topographic data are available on our Data Delivery site.

    The National Map (TNM) supporting themes include boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation. Other types of georeferenced or mapping information can be added within TNM Viewer or brought in with TNM data into a GIS to create specific types of maps or map views and (or) to perform modeling or analyses.

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    Subterranean Comprehensive Area Mapper Mac Os 11

    NMCorps is an online crowdsourcing mapping project with volunteers successfully editing structures in all 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    Subterranean Comprehensive Area Mapper Mac Os Download


    As part ofThe National Map, structures include schools, hospitals, post offices, police stations, cemeteries, and other important public buildings. By updating and verifying structures data, volunteers are making significant contributions to USGS National Structures Database, The National Map, and ultimately U.S. Topo Maps!

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    Subterranean Comprehensive Area Mapper Mac Os Catalina

    Volunteers earn virtual badges for participating and are recognized for their contributions (with permission) via USGS and The National Map social media.