Radagast Mac OS

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I've had my hands on this M1 MacBook Air for a few weeks now and I have gotten alot of opinions about it. I wanted to go over them and give my thoughts. This isan amazing laptop. Its battery life is iPad tier. I can run iPad and iPhone appsseamlessly.

Radagast Mac Os Catalina

That being said, aarch64 macOS is still very much in its teething phase. Rosettais nothing short of a technical miracle, it's amazing how close it is to theperformance of running amd64 apps natively. As such, it's probably going to endup being the worst experience that I have using an aarch64 MacBook.


This website is a fairly complicated webappwritten in Rust. As such it makes for a fairly decent compile stress test. I'mgoing to do a compile test against my Ryzen3600 with this M1MacBook Air.

  • Is there a version of McAfee All Access - Internet Security that is supported on Max OSX Yosemite? I attempted to upgrade from Mavericks to Yosemite at the weekend. The installer got stuck at the end of the process and after hours of searching on the web I found someone that said they had a similar issue and they had to boot into safe boot and uninstall McAfee Internet Security first.
  • Compiling gnuplot on Mac OS X. September 2006 updated July 2009. This document explains how to compile gnuplot version 4.4 on Mac OS X 10.6. It was originally written in September 2006 for Mac OS X 10.4 but has been updated in July 2009 for Mac OS X 10.6.
  • I have lots of problems with Blackberry Link and Mac OS X 10.6. Blackberry Link is Blackberry’s new software which should synchronize my Z10 with files on my Macbook Pro. The actual results are unimpressive. First, photos only sync with iPhoto 11. AFAIK, iPhoto 11 requires Mac OS X 10.7, so I can’t sync photos.

My tower is running this version of Rust:

My MacBook is running this version of Rust:

Building a development build my Ryzen gets this:

Gandalf: Trust me, Radagast. I would not have called you here without good reason. I would not have called you here without good reason. Radagast the Brown: Radagast removes his hat to allow the birds to hide underneath This is not a nice place to meet. Thank you for the A2A. In the books 1, Radagast is quite the absent character, actually much more than in the films. There are some instances where he is mentioned as a worthy wizard by Gandalf and he certainly gave Gandalf important inf.

Doing the same development build, my M1 MacBook Air gets this:

And the MacBook didn't even get warm.

Everything I have thrown at this seems to get about the same results. This 15watt laptop chip holds its own with desktop machines. I can only imagine howthis will proceed as Apple advances their processor technology.


With the exception of virtual machines, the M1 MacBook Air runs nearlyeverything I need it to. I have a Go compiler, Rust compiler, Nix, Discord,Slack, Telegram, text editor, image editors, chat clients and more. Some of thatsoftware is running in Rosetta and I am not able to tell when that is the case.

The biggest thing that doesn't run properly on here is Emacs. I am able to get aversion of it via Rosetta, however there are weird hangs that will randomly eatup all my input while I am in flow. This is undesirable to say the least. I'vebeen using the aarch64 build of VS Code for the meantime, however I am reallymissing the native Emacs experience. Maybe a future version of Emacs for Mac OSX will improve this (or even make a fully nativeaarch64 build).

Being able to run iPad and iPhone apps is also really nice. There's someconstraints involved with having to emulate the touchscreen input, howeveroverall it's enough to get the job done. I had to useiMazing to get installable versions of some apps I wantedto put on my mac (such as Skip The Dishes so I could get its notifications inthe same place and Procreate so I could use Sidecar to draw using the M1's GPUpower and extra ram), however they work well enough in general.

It would be nice if more companies toggled the 'supported on M1 Macs' flag. I'mwilling to use a degraded experience if it means it's easier to access thingsthat are otherwise exclusive to my phone (such as Facebook and my banking app).It would be great to use Netflix without having to open Safari.

Something that really surprised me was how well Dolphin runs when you use anative build. I'm able to play Gamecube and Wii games at retina resolution andthe MacBook doesn't even get warm to the touch. The amd64 version of Dolphinuses some Just-In-Time compilation that Rosetta can't emulate at all, howeverthe aarch64 one runs a lot faster than it has any right to. It must be easier totranslate binaries between RISC processor types or something. You have to buildDolphin from source when you do this, however it's worth it.

The Hardware

I have written a depressing amount of this blog's content on a butterflykeyboard mac. The keyboard on the M1 Air is night and day better. It's likeusing an older MacBook keyboard without being forced to wear headphones to maskout the fan noise. I'm typing this in qwerty at the moment (I seem to havesettled on being able to seamlessly switch between qwerty on laptop keyboardsand Colemak Mod-DH on my Moonlander), but goddamn they really made the typingexperience so much better. I wish I had this keyboard years ago.

My previous MacBook was a 12' early 2018 model. It had 16 GB of ram (though 8 ofit failed and became unusable somehow) and chugged doing basic tasks. It had adual core processor and ended up being practically unable to handle more thanbasic code compilation. I shudder to think about how long it would take to buildmy website code on that machine. It also got hot. Very hot. I didn't even haveto push it very far to get it so hot. The battery also started to go sour by theend of me using it. Overall I think it was a good purchase and I've gotten a lotof mileage out of it, but this M1 Air is so much better it's not even funny.

The Verdict

If you are looking for a machine that is silent, room temperature, and capable ofdoing anything you can throw at it, look into getting an Apple Silicon Mac. Thisfirst generation is going to have the most teething issues; so if you don't wantto deal with the jank that comes with a first generation product I'd probablysuggest waiting for the M2 or whatever they are going to call it. I know it'scertainly worth it for me, but I am not you and my needs will be different fromyour needs.

This writeup was not sponsored in any way, Apple is not reviewing this post forcontent (and probably doesn't know that I made it). I am just a fan of thisdevice and want to see aarch64 on the desktop succeed.

This article was posted on M02 15 2021. Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

Tags: macaarch64

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The art for Mara was drawn by Selicre.

The art for Cadey was drawn by ArtZora Studios.

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Radagast Mac OS
Grid List
Although OpenSimulator encourages the development of third party software for OpenSimulator, no support can be provided on this. For help with this software, contact the developer of this software directly.
Please do not contact the OpenSimulator team with questions about this software.

If you find a viewer, which can connect to OpenSimulator, then please add it to the bottom of the appropriate list.

Compatibility issues

Since OpenSimulator and viewers development is done by different teams with different timing and even goals, compatibility can not be assured. To connect to an older version of OpenSimulator, you may need to use an older version of your favourite viewer, which also could limit Hypergrid capability. In this case you should consult the support of your grid or chosen viewer.



  • Alchemy - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from SL viewer.
  • Cool VL Viewer - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from SL viewer. (Former name: Cool SL Viewer).
  • FireStorm Viewer - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from SL viewer. Successor to Phoenix viewer. The most widely used viewer on Second Life.
  • Kokua - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from SL viewer successor to Imprudence.
  • Radegast Metaverse Client - Radegast-ng is Light client, evolution of Radagast from libopenmetaverae project.
  • Singularity - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from the Ascent Viewer. Goal is to combine look of old SL viewer with modern features. Singularity source code available on GitHub.
  • Dayturn - C++ based viewer for Win/Mac only. Forked from Kokua. Dayturn source code available on Bitbucket.
  • Scenegate - C++ based viewer with a focus on accessibility and onboarding. With a simplified UI more suitable to just visit worlds, rather than building (but the full UI is still accessible). Forked from Alchemy.

Beta Viewers

Singularity Nightly Builds http://www.singularityviewer.org/kb/nightly-builds

Dayturn for Windows and MacOShttps://bitbucket.org/dayturn/

Text-only Viewers

These are lightweight viewers, which either do not offer a graphical component or where the graphical component is not used by default. The function of these viewers however is to connect to a grid, chat, manage inventory, etc. Useful on systems with low specifications or for bringing an alt (alternate avatar) online without having your main avatar log out, or to quickly take care of messages, inventory, etc.

  • METAbolt - METAbolt is a non-graphical (text based) viewer. It is light weight and cross grid, which means it will work in Second Life™ as well as other grids that are based on OpenSimulator. The viewer is Open Source so it's free. Currently METAbolt is only available for Windows platforms.
  • Mobile Grid Client - A Second Life and OpenSimulator messaging client for your Android powered device (mobile phone, cell phone, tablet...).

LLSD API Libraries

These are open source libraries for building viewers, clients, and tools that can connect to OpenSimulator.

Maintained Libraries:

Radagast Mac Os X

  • libopenmetaverse - C# LLSD implementation. Maintained by OpenSimulator developers. BSD License
  • llbase-py - Python LLSD implementation. Maintained by Linden Labs. MIT License

Currently Unmaintained Libraries:

  • llsd-cpp - C++ LLSD implementation, last updated in 2010. MIT License
  • llsd-perl-new - Perl LLSD implementation. Last updated 2011. MIT License
  • llsd-php - PHP 4 LLSD implementation. Incomplete, supports XML serialization only. Used internally by Second Life developers. Last updated 2010. MIT License
  • llsd-java - Java LLSD implementation by Xugu Madison, last update ca 2014. BSD License.
  • JOpenMetaverse - Java LLSD implementation, last updated 2012. Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android Compatible. Also see jopenmetaverse introduction. LGPL 2.1 License
  • llsd-js - JavaScript LLSD implementation, last update in 2011. MIT License

Inactive Viewers

Radagast Mac Os Download

  • 3Di viewer Rei - C# based Web-browser plugin OpenSimulator viewer. 3Di website gone but 3Di Rei viewer source is still available on Github
  • Ascent - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Started as a fork of Inertia Viewer. Abandoned in 2010.
  • Dolphin - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Abandoned in 2015. Dolphin 3 Source still available on GitHub.
  • Emerald - C++ based viewer forked from Snowglobe (the second version fo the LL/SL open source viewer). Project halted and abandoned in 2010 after Emerald developer linked to DoS attack on SL and banned. Emerald source code still available on GitHub and Google Code Archive.
  • Hippo - C++ based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win. Forked from SL viewer. Abandoned in 2010. See also Hippo Viewer website.
  • Idealist - C# Multi-platform 32 bit viewer intended to be OpenSimulator focused
  • Imprudence - C++ based viewer forked from SL viewer v1.21. Development ended in 2010 and shifted to a new viewer called Kokua. Imprudence Viewer source is still available on GitHub
  • Inertia - C++ based viewer forked from Snowglobe SL viewer). Abandoned in 2010
  • LookingGlass - C#/Ogre based Viewer prototype. Development Ended in 2011. LookingGlass Viewer source is still available on GitHub
  • Meerkat - Viewer for Linux/Mac/Win in C++. Fork of SL viewer. Meerkat source available on GitHub. Meerkat binaries available via Google Code Archive. Development stopped in 2009
  • OnLook - C++ based viewer forked from Singularity. Inactive since 2014. OnLook Viewer Source is still available on GitHub.
  • OpenSim-Viewer - C#/C++/Xenko based, BSD licensed viewer written for OpenSimulator. Inactive since 2018.
  • OpenViewer - C#/Ogre based, BSD licensed viewer written as a companion to OpenSimulator. ca 2007/2008. Website went dark in 2009.
  • Phoenix - C++ based viewer. Forked from SL viewer. Replaced by Firestorm viewer.
  • RealXtend Naali/Tundra - Written from scratch C++/Ogre3D based viewer for Linux/Mac/Win, required ModRex in OpenSimulator. Development stopped in 2016, OpenSimulator support dropped in 2013.
  • Xenki - XABP-based OpenSimulator viewer prototype for IE web browser. Abandoned in 2009

Radagast Mac Os Catalina

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